Watching Shanda Fay donning a batgirl suit while sucking a meaty cock was easily the sexiest highlight of my day. This foxy stunner certainly knows her way around a juicy dick and she has every intention of sucking it completely dry.
If you asked me if I would be jerking off with batgirl costume sex today my answer would have been a flat out no and yet here we are. I guess we never really know what’s going to be coming our way until we find it. Once we do we soon know if it is going to be a turn on and once we do we can sort the rest.
Now you have all the moves right where you need them and you’re going to be wanting to make this moment count. Keeping things right where they need to lets you make it a certain thing when you decide to go for the ending of a lifetime. Pushing on at full steam nothing is going to be coming between you and those Cosplay sex babes!